List 100

Things I want to do before die. Get inspired by Huyen Chip (Current status: 3/100) - Updated: 2023-1-26

  1. Lean English
  2. Live in another country
  3. Start a company
  4. ~ Be awesome
  5. ~ Be kind
  6. Read 1000 books (3/1000) (Started: 2023-1-1)
  7. Become the first author of a paper at a top-tier conference
  8. Bye a house
  9. Bye a car
  10. Write an blog post every day
  11. Win a competition on Kaggle
  12. Receive 1 scholarship from institutions while in college
  13. Fall in love (ex now)
  14. Be discipline
  15. Be modesty
  16. Typing 100 words per minute
  17. Go somewhere where it’s snowing
  18. Appears in the 100 Most Influential People in AI 2023